Many plants we have around our homes or in the great outdoors are not considered a hazard for cats and dogs. Below is a list of common plants which are NOT considered to be toxic. Some mild abdominal upset can occur with almost anything.
Abelia Corn Plant Jade Plant Weeping Fig
Absynnian Sword Lily Crab Apples Kalanchoe Weeping Willow
African Palm Creeping Jennie, Lilac Wild Onion
Airplane Plant Moneywort, Lysima Lily (Day, Easter, Zebra Plant
Aralia Croton or Tiger)
Araucaria Dahlia Lipstick Plant
Asparagus Fern Daisies Magnolia
(Dermatitis) Dandelion Marigold
Aspidistra (Cast Iron Plant) Dogwood Monkey Plant
Aster Donkey Tail Norfolk Island Pine
Baby’s Tears Dracaena (Caution with Peperomia
Bachelor’s Buttons animal ingestions) Petunia
Bamboo Easter Lily Prayer Plant
Begonia Echeveria Purple Passion
Bird’s-nest Fern Eucalyptus (Caution) Pyrocantha
Black Olive Eugenia Rose
Blood Leaf Plant Flowering Crab Sanseveria
Boston Ferns Gardenia Scheffelera
Bougainvillea Gloxinia Sensitive Plant
Cactus (Certain Varieties) Grape Ivy Spider Plant
California Holly Hedge Apples Swedish Ivy
California Poppy Hen & Chicks Umbrella
Camelia Honeysuckle Violets
Christmas Cactus Hoya Wandering Jew
Coleus Species Impatiens Weeping Fig